care team holding snake

Reptiles Bring New Excitement and Stimulation to Highwood

Highwood Care Home was buzzing with excitement recently as we welcomed Animals 2 U South West and their incredible Reptile Zoo for a truly unique animal therapy session. This special visit gave our residents an opportunity to interact with animals in a new way, bringing a sense of wonder and excitement to the home. While some of our residents preferred a "hands-off" approach, enjoying the exotic creatures from a comfortable distance, our dedicated colleagues eagerly embraced the challenge of handling the reptiles up close.

The visit was part of our ongoing commitment to engaging residents in activities that offer both entertainment and mental stimulation. At Highwood, we strive to provide holistic care by offering experiences that go beyond the every day, sparking curiosity and lifting spirits. Events like the Reptile Zoo visit serve to enrich our residents' lives in ways that can have lasting benefits on their emotional and mental wellbeing.

For some of our residents, the presence of the reptiles presented an opportunity to engage in an activity that was outside of their typical comfort zone—creating a sense of novelty and excitement. Watching these fascinating creatures slither and crawl sparked conversations and drew smiles from residents, adding a positive boost to their day. Even though many chose to watch from a distance, the sensory stimulation and mental engagement fostered by simply observing these animals were undeniable. It allowed residents to engage with their environment in a way that was both enjoyable and therapeutic.

Animal therapy has long been recognised for its benefits in care home settings, especially when it comes to improving mental health and reducing feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and depression. The presence of animals often evokes positive emotions and can create a calming atmosphere, which is especially beneficial for residents who may struggle with cognitive impairments such as dementia. While traditional therapy animals, such as dogs and cats, are well-known for their soothing effects, the reptiles from Animals 2 U South West brought a fresh, new dynamic to our care approach. They introduced a level of fascination and engagement that sparked curiosity and helped stimulate the residents' minds in unexpected ways.

For our staff, the experience was just as rewarding, albeit a bit more daring! Many of our colleagues stepped outside their own comfort zones, holding and interacting with the reptiles directly. These hands-on interactions provided an opportunity for staff to bond not only with the animals but also with the residents, as laughter and conversations flowed throughout the home. The experience fostered a sense of camaraderie and community, while also demonstrating the positive impact that engaging activities can have on both staff and residents alike.

At Highwood Care Home, we are always looking for new ways to introduce stimulating and enriching activities into our residents' lives. The visit from the Reptile Zoo reminded us of the incredible versatility of animal therapy and its ability to brighten days, uplift spirits, and create meaningful connections. From the gentle presence of therapy dogs to the exciting arrival of reptiles, animals continue to be a vital part of our approach to care, bringing happiness and comfort to all who live and work here.

We look forward to many more memorable moments like this one, as we continue to explore how innovative activities can improve the wellbeing of our residents, nurturing both their physical and emotional health. The power of animal therapy is undeniable, and we are proud to be able to offer such unique and beneficial experiences to our wonderful community here at Highwood! To learn how we can support your loved ones, get in contact with our expert care team or call us directly on 01237 744000.

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